Being Thankful

2016-10-08-12-44-57This week our nation celebrates Thanksgiving Day. The day is typically pictured as one where we gather with friends and family around a plentiful table. Many families have their own special recipes for the various foods that will be served. We catch up on family news, remember those who are no longer with us, we try to connect with those who weren’t able to come (especially those in the armed forces) and we give thanks.

Sometimes there is tension in the family or an overwhelming sadness, a cranky relative or an unruly child, but we get through it, because it is Thanksgiving.

The expectation that we spend Thanksgiving with others can be a source of pain for those who can’t or choose not to. Thanksgiving Day is not the same for all.  But we can all be grateful.


There are traditions like watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade or football games, or playing traditional or new-generation family games.

Parents and grandparents will attending Thanksgiving programs at their children’s schools. Many churches, non-profits, and companies have been collecting food to distribute to the poor this Thanksgiving. Many communities have ecumenical Thanksgiving services and many churches have Thanksgiving Day services.

Sharing with Others

Thanksgiving Day is also a day when we remember those who are alone, or in need or unable to prepare a meal for themselves. Thousands, maybe millions, of Thanksgiving Day meals will be served and delivered to the lonely, homeless and homebound. Many people will open their homes to a neighbor or friend who has no one to be with.

Thanksgiving Day is a day that brings out the best in our nation.

Being thankful brings out the best in all of us.

Many people have the practice of making a gratitude list at the end of every day. Despite the day’s difficulties, the list helps us to stay aware of the many gifts we have and often take for granted. It keeps us humble and hopeful. It brings a sense of peace.

If you will be sharing on social media this Thanksgiving, consider expressing thanks for the gifts you have received. Consider praising God for the good people and blessings in your life. It will make your day even more special and will help others to be grateful as well.

I am grateful to all of you, my readers. Because of you, I keep learning and passing on ways to share the Good News online. Your efforts inspire me. Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless all of you!

A Song of Praise to Enjoy


Comments (3)

  • Pilar Dougall

    November 22, 2016 at 1:18 pm

    Sr. Susan,

    Thank you for all you do to assist those who also wish to share the Good News online. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Pat Sylvester

    November 23, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    Thanks, Susan, for your Thanksgiving reflection. It inspires to truly
    recall more consciously all of our blessings – my own, and those we all share as a nation. Thank you for your special on-line ministry and may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  • Larry Jurcak

    November 26, 2016 at 8:34 pm

    Sr. Susan – a nice reflection on Thanksgiving. Thanks for all that you do.

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