Being Online is An Option for Service

Successful-websitesWeb presence is a communication tool. If you have good information, good products or good services that people need or want which can be delivered effectively online, being online will be a plus for your efforts. The operative word is “good.” And with all the competition for people’s attention online, it probably needs to be very good.

Successful websites deliver what people need in a way that fits their lifestyle. Successful ministries do the same.

People matter. Their lives are complicated and sometimes harried and confused. They are often balancing many responsibilities. Much of ministry demands in-person interaction, but much of what we communicate can also be shared online.

The Internet gives us a tool to communicate, teach, serve, respond 24/7. Yes, it is work, but if we think about it, it could be a way to reach more people and improve our service. We are being accommodating. We are going out to them.

If our approach on the Internet is to bring the Good News to people where they are, we will be successful in online ministry. Our websites will be attractive and easy to navigate. They will be engaging and informative. Our social media sites will be uplifting, helpful, fun and even entertaining.

Our website will say what we want to say in person: we are here for you. We want to help you grow in holiness, to raise your children in the faith, to know that you are not alone when you face grief, disappointment, joy, or success. We know you struggle to know what is true or how to discern God’s will in everyday circumstances. We are here for you. Contact us.

Start slowly. What one thing do you have for the people you serve that you could put online? Is it a schedule, a form, a lesson, a list of resources, a story, a thoughtful response to a current event? Is there a place on your organization’s current website where it could be posted? If not, can you request it? Could you start a Facebook page for your ministry where these things could be posted? Is there someone who might be able to help you? Once you do this a few times, you will have a new awareness and you will be saying as you develop materials, announcements, etc., “Let’s get this on the website, on Facebook, etc. Let’s make it easy for people to find.”

I know that some of you are already thinking this way. Please share your experience and how it has made a difference in your ministry. Thank you.

Next post June 4.  Have a blessed Memorial Day!

Comments (1)

  • Fran Rossi Szpylczyn

    July 9, 2013 at 1:27 pm

    Sister Susan, I am very late to comment on this, but did I tell you that I did a two-semester practicum for my MA in Pastoral Studies using online ministry?

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Top Ten List for Using Social Media for Ministry

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