Be Engaged and Engaging with the 2015 Synod on the Family

Photo: Fabiomax/DPC

There is no denying it. We are living in very different times when it comes to communications. This is a great time to be in ministry and have access to the various digital platforms for bringing a Catholic perspective into the homes and lives of the people we serve–those who come to church as well as those who do not.

It was so wonderful to see on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram the enthusiasm and interest that the visit of Pope Francis to the U.S. created. All those people, young and old, in the crowds holding up their cell phones to capture the Pontiff was truly telling. We are in the digital age. Hopefully, you were able to engage with your followers about the Pope’s visit on social media during that week.

Now we have a new event to generate new conversations: the Ordinary Synod on the Family which began in Rome with the Opening Mass on Sunday, October 4, 2015.

I found this tweet by Rocco Palmo. He puts our challenge very creatively.

As Church ministers we have a responsibility to know the difference between “ideology-driven” interpretations outside the synod hall and what is going on inside. If we want to help our followers know the difference as well, here is what we have to do:

  • Follow the Synod daily using reputable sources.
  • If we want to use a quote from the Pope or any other official from the Synod, be sure to find the original source and make sure the context is clear.
  • Share content with our followers that will interest, educate and inspire them.
  • Respond to questions if they are posted.

This is another catechetical and evangelizing opportunity we do not want to miss. Here are some resources that I plan to use:

For access to the official translations of texts from the Vatican website:

  1. Through the Synod Section
  2. Through the Activities of Pope Francis Section

Note: Texts are also available from these sources via The Pope App which you can access through your mobile devices.

For news summaries of the talks and events:

  1. The Vatican News Network  which is also on Twitter
  2. Vatican Radio  which is also on Facebook

Facebook Resources:


I was able to find Twitter accounts for five of the eight bishops attending from the U.S. I am not certain how much they will be using them during the Synod, but I will be following them as well in addition to Pope Francis @Pontifex.

  1. Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago: @ArchbishopBlase
  2. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York: @CardinalDolan
  3. Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles: @ArchbishopGomez
  4. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, conference president: @ArchbishopKurtz
  5. Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington: @Cardinal_Wuerl

Have you found any other resources?  Please share them below.  What do you think? Is this where we need to be?

Comments (1)

  • Larry Jurcak

    October 6, 2015 at 11:20 am

    Thanks – a very good article and some great resources for keeping up do date with the Synod.

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Engagement on Your Ministry Facebook Page

October 13, 2015