Author: admin

416 Posts

  • Antidote to “Fake News”

    This year we will celebrate the 52nd World Communications Day which is held annually on the Sunday before Pentecost, falling this year on May 13, 2018. As is the practice, Pope Francis released his message for the day on the Feast of Saint Francis de…

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  • Changes to Facebook’s News Feed

    This month Mark Zuckerburg, a co-founder of Facebook and currently its chairman and chief executive officer, announced that he intends to “Fix Facebook.”  He wants the time people spend on Facebook to be more worthwhile and engaging.  He wants people spending less time scrolling through…

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  • The Angels Sang Glory to God

    Merry Christmas! While Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to have her child and she gave birth to her firstborn son.  She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them…

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  • Facebook Cover Videos

    When Facebook first rolled out the option to post videos as the Cover for Pages, it had a few kinks to work out. It seems that all fan/business pages have the video option now and the upload is easy. I tried it again and it…

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