Author: admin

416 Posts

  • What Happened with Facebook?

    Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and co-founder of Facebook, met with individual lawmakers yesterday on Capitol Hill (April 9). Today, Zuckerberg is scheduled to go before a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees and then the House Energy and Commerce Committee tomorrow (Wednesday, April…

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  • Living Holy Week

    We entered this Holy Week with songs of Hosanna. Soon we will relive the Last Supper, the crucifixion and death of Jesus and finally we will exult in his Resurrection. It is a profound and humbling spiritual journey during which we learn again how much…

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  • Set Your Facebook Ad Preferences

    Facebook ads have been around a long time, but many people comment that they are seeing more ads in the news feed now and they don’t like it.  We have all experienced purchasing or searching for something online and then seeing ads about that item…

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  • Fifth Anniversary for Pope Francis

    Today, March 13, marks the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. It was an historic moment for the Church and for Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio who had been planning for his “retirement.” The Jesuit chose Francis as his patron and he has charmed us…

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  • Billy Graham and Technology

    With the passing of Billy Graham, the great Christian evangelist, we look in awe at the many people he brought to Christ. Chris Heaslip, Co-founder of PushPay, a software service that allows mobile payments, spoke about Billy Graham at Summit 2018.  Tobin Perry, a writer…

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