14 Tips for An Evangelizing Parish Home Page

There are many, many details that go into the design of a website.  The home page is the digital showcase, display window, or front lobby, not just for the website, but for the parish community and it needs special treatment.  An evangelizing home page addresses the needs and answers the questions of visitors first. Below is a list of 14 items that I think are essential to an evangelizing, user-friendly, parish website home page.  I welcome your comments and additions. I have mentioned some of these items before, but now I have put them all in one place.

1. Witness that Jesus Christ is the center of your parish life
2. Make the word and sentiment of Welcome prominent
3. Provide the Mass Schedule
4. Include link to directions near the Mass Schedule
5. Include complete address with zip code
6. Include office phone number with area code
7. Use photos of happy members
8. Keep promotions to a minimum
9. Avoid the clutter of superfluous information
10. If you include a welcome video, keep it under 90 seconds
11. Be sure your site loads quickly
12. Keep content timely and up to date
13. Use helpful titles in the navigation menu
     14. Provide links to your social media sites


Do you agree with this list?  What would you change?


Comments (1)

  • Bob Lucas

    July 16, 2014 at 7:50 am

    I would also add a calendar of upcoming events.

    I supplement the web page with a Facebook page with the calendar, Mass Schedule and the Sunday announcements for those who prefer to get this information automatically on their Facebook page. I find this useful for those with smart cell phones. Because of this, I also have a link to the Facebook page on our homepage to make it easier for newcomers.

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