11 Tips for Using Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Social media from cutout newspaper headlines pinned to a cork bulletin boardJust because we build a website—no matter how wonderful it is—doesn’t mean that it is going to attract a lot of traffic. Discovering this is one of the biggest disappointments for many in ministry. Obviously, there are key times during the year such as before Christmas, Easter and Ash Wednesday, when traffic to many parish websites picks up; or before a large annual event sponsored by your religious community or organization takes place. The reality is that we need to be constantly promoting our websites in print, by word-of-mouth and by social media if we want to sustain and increase traffic.


A ministry Facebook page can be invaluable in promoting your ministry website provided that it is a quality Facebook page. This means that there is a balance in the type of content: 1/3 or more of original content that inspires, encourages, informs your followers (best accompanied by photos); 1/3 or more that link to content that followers would find helpful; and 1/3 or less of promotions of events or activities. Overdo the promotions and people will turn you off.

1. In the description that goes with the Facebook Cover photo, include a link to your website.

2. In the Facebook About section, include a link to your website.

3. Post a link to new content on your website. This is why a blog or a frequently updated news section is important to have on your website. You can share it via Facebook.

4. When promoting events or activities, link to fuller descriptions of the event on the website.

5. You can also use Facebook ads to drive traffic to you website as well as get more “Likes” for your Page.


Twitter is only 140 characters, but it can be a great lead to your website.

6. Always include your web address in your ministry Twitter profile.

7. Set up your ministry Twitter account to automatically post what appears on your Facebook page, which in turn drives people to your website.

8. You can also post direct links from your website (again new or timely content) on Twitter.


If you are not making and posting videos from your ministry yet, you may want to get started. Remember short videos are best!

9. Always include your ministry website address in the description

10. Whenever possible, add you website address to one of the video slides or frames

 Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.

There are many other social media platforms.

11. On any ministry social media platform include a link to your website whenever and wherever possible.


Do you have any other tips on how to use social media to drive traffic to your website? Please share them with us. Thank you.

Comments (1)

  • angela ann zukowski

    January 13, 2015 at 7:09 am

    Great ideas here, Sr.! I really like this summary! Great for my students, as well. Have a great day!

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